As a professional artist, I often get asked about my process and what a typical day looks like for me. People are always surprised to hear that there’s no such thing as a “typical” day in the life of an artist. Every day is different, and that’s part of what I love about my job.
Some days I spend hours in my studio, working on a new painting. Other days I might be at a photoshoot for an original, shopping for art supplies, at the packaging company arranging deliveries or traveling to meet with clients or connecting on social media. And some days I just take a break from it all and go for a walk or spend time with family.
No matter what my day looks like, though, there are a few things that are always part of it. I start every day by making a cup of tea and sitting down at my easel to plan out my work for the day. I might review ideas for a new painting or make some notes about a piece I’m working on.
Then I get to work.

In the morning, I am refreshed and I work on my email and social media accounts. I also use this time to research new ideas or work on the business side of being an artist. I typically paint for 5-6 hours in the afternoon, taking breaks to stretch and grab a snack.
In the evening, I wind down by spending time with family, or working on a project that’s not art related. I might also use this time to respond to emails and social media messages from fans and followers from other time zones.
No matter what, though, I always try to end each day by taking a few moments to reflect on my work and set goals for the next day. This helps me stay on track and motivated, and it ensures that I’m always making progress on my art.

Here is the finished piece!

Original Work By Jeff Dillon
Original Size: 60” x 40″