#185 – Mom’s Garden

Original Work By Jeff Dillon

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This painting depicts a beautiful late season bloom of a tea rose. This rose had been kissed with frost, lending wisdom and age to its otherwise juvenile blossom. The intricate details of the rose petals and woody stem form a mosaic of shapes and colours. The moody palette of this painting illustrates the waning colours of summer. Muted sap greens, violets and magentas tell us that fall is near, and the garden will soon wish us goodbye for another season.

Original Size: 18″ x 24″

Jeff Dillon the Canadian Artist, inspired by the bold colours and brush strokes of Post-Impressionist Artists. His unique style focuses on capturing light, not through the detail of realism, but with gesture, illusion, shape and colour. He offers a personal and distinctive style to the world through his bold use of colours and lines, often symbolic images or subject matter. Objects in the paintings retain their realistic appearance yet have a vibrancy and fluidity about them, unique to his work. Jeff Dillon’s new expression of Post-Impressionism is both beloved and revered in the Canadian and Global Contemporary Art World.

  • Original completed September 2020
  • Free shipping for original paintings shipped within Canada.
  • Search words: Flower, Roses, Pink, fall, Autumn, Green, Blue


C$2,550 HST

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