Read feedback from Jeff Dillon’s Collectors.
#274 – Silent Ocean Explorer
#271 – Celestial Chill
#253 – Lovers In The Long Grass
#248 – Clover
#246 – Northern Light Magic
When Jeff and I first started talking about this commission over a year ago, it took a few conversations to nail down what I had in my head and what he felt would work in order for him to bring it to life. He knew intuitively that it was to be a reflection of my Dad’s life’s work which was very unique and it would have to exude warmth even in the heart of the winter north. More than anything, I wanted something to remind me of Dad every day when I looked upon it – combining both the pride I had of his dedication to his work and the love I have personally of Canadian wildlife and the landscape in which it resides.
#245 – Long Journey Home
#237 – Captivating
#204 – Drifting
#189 – Forever Looking at You
Jeff, we love this piece you created for my wife’s birthday present. We live on Six Mile Lake in Georgian Bay area and we have a few Bard Owls that come around. They are usually elusive but active at night. They call back and forth to each other across the bay on hot summer nights.
I thought this would be a nice piece for you to create for our cottage wall.
Thanks for your work!! - Jay B.
#182 – Winterspell
I’ve followed Jeff’s work for a while. I’m not an art connoisseur but I know what I like and I LOVE Jeff’s technique! I had been eagerly awaiting a new addition to his “winter” paintings. When he posted his new painting “Winterspell” on his instagram account, I rushed to contact him. We have a home in the Blue Mountains, Ontario and as it is a ski chalet, we only have winter paintings/photography dress the walls (and the artist must be Canadian) When Winterspell was delivered, I was even more impressed with the vibrant blues, greens and whites in the painting. It’s bold, it’s beautiful and it’s winter! Thank you, Jeff. Karen G.
#178 – Diamond Pine
Your piece was a retirement gift for my wife. We both love the Group of Seven, plus Emily Carr, and how their works create a spiritual reverence regarding nature. Your work is ‘Group of Seven “esque” ‘ in that it creates the same rhythms, movements and feelings, but has created its own unique style. You don’t duplicate their style, you’ve gone beyond and created your own style while capturing the same feelings. #178 Diamond Pine reminds us of the Big Rideau Lake, where we have our cottage. Canadian Shield, white pines, water. We absolutely love the rich colours you use (browns, greens, blues) and the movement you create in the clouds and trees. Your rock seems to reflect an aboriginal feeling due to the ovoid shapes you use to create them. All the things we hold so dear in our hearts. Thanks for your skills, Don and Georgina P.
#168 – Memories
I’d been following Jeff’s work on Instagram for some time, and loved his style, use of vivid colour, and how he beautifully captured movement in his paintings. My daughter’s dad had just passed away in a tragic car accident, and the two of them vacationed together in New Brunswick, and at his family farm, just 2 weeks prior. She was only seven when he died, but lovingly remembers being at the ocean, and especially on the farm with him. She cherishes these last memories most of all. I approached Jeff, and asked him if he could capture the farm in his own style, for our daughter. I could not be happier with how it turned out.. it is treasured, special, and a beautiful reminder for us of a place he loved, and for our daughter.. the time they had there together. We are thankful for your talent Jeff, and this painting means more to us than you know. - Melissa M.
#160 – Sunflowers
Jeff, I think that I chose the Sunflowers painting because I just connected with it right away when I first saw it. I love your painting style and you have so many others that I would be proud to display on my walls. Blessings - Lee B.
#146 – Collateral Beauty
I have followed Jeff’s work for several years and love how his paintings remind me of the work of the Group of Seven. I dreamed of having an original piece one day – but it wasn’t really in my student budget at the time. Being a lifelong animal lover I was amazed at the depth of feeling he could convey through his work for both wild and domestic creatures. Fast forward a few years after school was finished and I started keeping bettas as a hobby. My very first fish looked almost identical to the one portrayed in ‘Collateral Beauty’ – so it was meant to be! The painting is even more striking in person and brings me joy every time I look at it. Living nearby I was fortunate enough to meet Jeff when I picked up the painting in person. I am still an avid follower of his work and hope to expand my collection someday. - Kristyn H
#135 – Elusive
I have long been captivated by Jeff’s work and had several pieces that I particularly loved. I ended up buying #135-Elusive- because it so perfectly evokes the feeling of the movement of birds foraging on the tall grass seeds. I have native muhly grasses in my yard, looking out over the water. In late fall and winter, I love to see the birds swaying in the grasses against that backdrop of blue. Jeff has captured this beautifully. The colors are incredible, and it is obvious that the work was done with incredible precision and artistry. I look forward to acquiring my next piece. Thank you so much for my lovely Elusive! - Ellen J.
#126 – Wildness Calls
“Wildness Calls” (Raven) is my second painting by Jeff. I had been so taken by Jeff’s style and his ability to capture moments and moods that I decide to contact him to discuss a commission piece. Ravens are an incredibly important icon to me personally, and I asked him about doing one for me. Jeff hadn’t done one before and was intrigued with the challenge that an all black animal presents. As everyone can see by the result……the results are astounding! Thank you Jeff..this will always be well-loved and an accent piece in our home! - Alysoun W.
#98 – Kingdom of Silence
Having followed Jeff’s work since buying my first painting from him in 2014, I instantly knew I wanted Kingdom of Silence when I saw him post the initial picture of it onto Facebook. I travelled around Canada for 3 months in 2013, at the start of a year of travelling, and I adored BC and the hiking around the lakes and mountains there. Seeing this painting instantly transported me back to Moraine Lake which was such an amazing place. I actually have a photo of the lake taken from exactly the same angle as the painting depicts, and I had that enlarged for framing a number of years ago. Having again managed to get the piece safely couriered to the UK, I have to say it is absolutely stunning in the flesh and the colours so vibrant and alive. My husband put it very well the other night when he said that with the painting on the wall it is like having a window to another place, feeling like you can just step out into the landscape. I’ll have to take him to Moraine Lake one day, as I would definitely love to go back! - Hannah in Bath, England
#94 – Spirit Guide
I found Jeff on facebook & find his art amazing. I was drawn to Spirit Guide because it reminded me of my blue dog. It is one of my favourite pieces. Jeff is truly talented & I look forward to seeing his creations. I would recommend Jeff to anyone looking for that special piece. - Ann B.
#91 – Sun Touched Paris
My wife and I became infatuated by Paris upon our first visit. The history, majestic art galleries, romantic cafe’s and world renown architecture worked its magic. Every time we gaze upon Jeff’s painting “Sun Touched Paris”, we are transported back in time to that magnificent city. - Todd H.
#86 – Touch the Sky
I fell in love with this painting from the moment I saw it. It depicts my favourite time of year. I love the way the dappled blue green background lends a sense of the depth of the forest. This is where I find peace. Jeff has a unique way of showing light in his paintings. You always have a sense of the time of day and I think it adds greatly to the brilliance of his work. When I look at this painting now, I am reminded that nature transforms itself and us along with it. – Pam D
#83 – The Little Prince
I bought this painting for both artistic and sentimental reasons. I recently acquired this painting and now it is beautifully framed and hung in my dining room. This picture is both a memory and a beautiful example of Jeff’s mastery at both detailed painting and subtle background. The depth of colour in the birds wings is beautiful against the mottled grey and white background. The icy air is almost palpable in this painting. This piece is both a testament of skill and love of subject by the artist. – Pam D
#76 – Rise Above
I am always impressed by Jeff’s ability to incorporate such vibrant colour into his paintings; it’s not easy to do and he balances the vibrancy in his landscapes and bird paintings. The subtle backgrounds of neutral colours and less bold strokes of the brush highlights the subject of the painting in greater detail. In this painting, the white grasses make the wings of the bird even brighter so that your eyes seek out the bird as it rises from the marsh grasses into flight. This painting is hung in a small room at the lake and it feels as if it was painted just off the dock. I am always thrilled at the variety of birds up North and this painting reminds me that every landscape has it’s own mystery. - Pam D
#74 – Earth Rising
This struck me as a family portrait, my family portrait. My parents are in the background, surrounded by my siblings. I am standing alone in the foreground, tall but weathered from a lifetime of laying down roots in impossibly difficult ground. It reminds me of how hard my parents worked, how difficult life was for my family, and yet, how any life can rise from even the most desolate lands. Is the sun setting or rising? - Christine B
#71 – Fire Mountain
The light in this painting is beautiful. It’s on a wall in my family room so that I can see it every single day. It’s captivating. Perhaps, because I am Canadian, there is something so familiar to the landscape, the snow laden evergreens, and brilliant sunsets. Jeff is able to capture the subtle changes in light on the clouds and the landscape and this reveals a depth in this painting that pulls me in. – Pam D
#70 – Quiet Destination
Art is beauty in the eye of the beholder and speaks to your soul. Your work Jeff is about travel, the outdoors in colours I love. I liked this painting for that reason. My son loved this painting and I thought I would share this. The up close photo I took shows its true beauty, vibrant colours and peaceful nature. My son wanted it, and chose to hang it in his room. What I see as a messy sparse room with a beautiful painting he hung too high, he sees as part of his living room, beautiful just the way it is. Isn’t that art in itself? Hence the unusual location is just part of the story from one young man to a younger one and I just love the art, the story of both of you. Thank you for making the world a better place by sharing all of your gifts.I am grateful, I love art, writing, music – all arts with no talent myself. I am in awe of those who were fortunate enough to receive these gifts. – Amanda K
#59 – Sweetness
Artistic Endeavours. Christmas came early again this year. Hubby and I treated ourselves to two new paintings by our favourite local artist, Jeff Dillon. I’ve never been to Venice, but this painting looks perfect in my office. Riding a gondola in Venice is high on my list of things to do before I go, but for now I’ll have to stick to ski gondolas… and glancing dreamily at this painting while I work. - Penny
#55 – Aurora Borealis
Arriving home late at night, I often pause to stare up, up, up. I can see the stars and hear nothing. I hope one day to look up and see the Borealis. This little gem of a painting twinkles bright from a shelf, flashing a reminder to me of an endless ‘bucket-list’. - Christine B
#53 – Sweet Dreams
When I look at this piece I am reminded of Emily Carr and her iconic work, Indian Church. She is one of my heroes, not only for her legacy of art work, but also for how she lived her life. The rich colour and vibrancy of Sweet Dreams conjures up the potential of that small island of hope nestled in the darkness. - Christine B
#49 – “Bistro Nook”
When I first saw Jeff Dillon’s “Bistro Nook” I recognized it instantly as Neal’s Yard – my very favourite corner of London, England. A scant ten-minute walk from Covent Garden, Neal’s Yard is a little treasure that takes a map of the City to locate. But once you have found its discrete entrance, it opens up into a quadrangle with a Pandora’s Box of treats – yoga studio, cheese shop, vegan restaurant, and the venerable Neal’s Yard Remedies, to name but a few. Jeff has caught its vibrant colours, its old-meets-new décor, and the sense of whimsy that strikes you anew on each visit . How could I possibly resist bringing that into my home to be enjoyed on a daily basis?
LJM, Waterloo, Ontario
Jeff Dillon Fine Art
#44 – Waking Morning Light
Unusually, I just happened to spot (and take notice of!) a post that Facebook had decided I needed to see about Jeff’s artwork a couple of years ago. I can’t remember how it came about, but I do remember then clicking through to the website and loving the amazing colours of all of the pieces in the gallery.
Waking Morning Light particularly caught my eye as actually before I saw the name of the painting I paused over it and wondered whether it was depicting dawn or dusk. I just loved the warmth and depth of the colours.
I really enjoy being out in nature and there is always a stillness at dawn, a quiet time before the birds start singing, and I think this painting captures that beautifully. It is one of those paintings you can stare at endlessly, it makes you stop and take a moment. After getting in contact with Jeff we set about getting the piece over to Bath, UK for me, and we worked very well together to get it safely couriered over. I couldn’t wait to see it and have it hung up in our home and now it hangs on the bedroom wall facing the foot of our bed, so each morning it is the first thing I see. - Hannah in Bath, England
#38 – Liquid Maze
I have owned the painting “Liquid” by artist Jeff Dillon, for several years now. It recaptures my heart daily. It at once evokes hope, anticipation, mystery, and allure. Depending on the day, the vivid colours marshall cheer, the anticipation of travel, the untold narrative, the mystery of adventure. I am proud and grateful to own this painting by this amazing artist. - Anne H
#37 – Irish Roots
I’m English, but of Welsh descent, and in my post-secondary studies was drawn to Medieval Anglo-Irish history. I have often imagined myself living in a stone cottage in northern Wales surrounded by rolling hills, happily playing my violin, reading/writing history books with cats milling around and the kettle whistling in the background. Irish roots speaks to little dreams that survive to inspire us. - Christine B
#26 – Enchanted Forest 2
Art as Inspiration - I’m not much of a spender (running shoes, coffee and chocolate being the exception), and I tend to rely on memories, not possessions, as a source of personal inspiration. I believe art plays an interesting role in this regard, by crossing the divide to bring physical rebirth to our memories. Photographs ground us firmly in reality. Art, on the other hand, allows the mind to play with reality – to invoke, visualize and feel memories in a less tangible but far more meaningful way. Back to me not being much of a spender.
#13 – Simply Complex
Wine is something that my wife and I both enjoy and we try to experience wine regions when we travel, especially in Italy. We had decided to build a wine cellar and tasting room in our home so that we could store wine to enjoy at our leisure. My wife selected this painting as a Christmas gift for me, because the painting of Venice reminded her of our wine experiences when we were in Italy. Once I received the painting we knew we wanted to incorporate it into our tasting room. The wall colour (Merlot) was specifically selected to complement this painting. We love savouring wine in our tasting room and reminiscing about our visits to Italy. Art is supposed to move us and this painting transports us half way around the globe; and I call that a success. – Kevin G
#10 – Bright Morning, & #14 – Sailors Delight
Jeff, I just wanted to write and thank you for the great work you do. I have 3 originals of yours in my office with me. I find peace and comfort within them. All 3 are landscapes in your unique style. All involve the horizon and trees in different perspectives. The subject matter speaks to me and I lose myself in the bright colours often. The 2 I have sent a picture of are still behind glass which you did as they were at a public gallery before I bought them. I want to get them in a frame worthy of the work, but have not got there yet. Keep up the great work. Always enjoy what you bring out next! - Bill
#8 – Shades of Green
For me, paintings are like special pebbles that you patiently pick from the shores of life. Each is filled with treasured memories. The walls of my home are filled with these beautiful ‘pebbles’, each a talisman keeping ‘home’ safe and sound. Like the curious child, I only know what ‘pebble’ I’m looking for when I see it, and then it becomes ‘my precious’. I visited a hot, dry sunny place not long ago and half way through the trip realized I need green rolling hills. This piece evokes my sense of place, a childhood spent on Rodborough Common and Robinswood Hill. No matter where I am or what life I live, this will always be my eternal home. - Christine B
#6 – Sleep Now
My first piece of Jeff Dillon art. The captivating brilliance of the Canadian fall lives on year round in vibrant red, if only in my heart. This kindly, gracious birch limb cradles it. I was mesmerized by this, my first painting by Jeff Dillon. - Anne H

I am the lucky possessor of Jeff Dillon’s first painting. I believe Jeff painted this as an adolescent. It is a small piece and hangs in a hallway in my home. This painting is somewhat different in style than his current work but the themes are still there: nature, sky, mountains, trees. I can see hints of the future artist he would become in the vibrancy of the orange trees, the light strokes of the blue sky and the clouds. Of the many pieces of art I own, I treasure this one the most as it was a gift from a son to his parents. And in that gift lay the seeds of the great artist he would one day be. - Pam D